Friday, March 20, 2009

Stop Making Babies

OK, this is not going to be a normal "I hate babies because they cry all the time" rant. I really don't hate babies. There's absolutely nothing personal between me and babies. But some of you just don't get it, so I have to explain.

Here are some facts:

1- Most people are getting poorer. You can barely afford to pay for your own stuff, in fact you can't, which is why you take out loans (Mostly in developed countries, since loans are not as common in most developing countries). And if you are in a developing country, chances are making more babies is gonna cost you (and them) more than it's gonna help you.

2- While overpopulation is not the only cause of increasing poverty, it is probably a main one. There are examples where overpopulation where it has not caused poverty (such as North and South Korea, where the population levels and land resources are roughly the same, but the South has a much lower poverty rate) But there are also fallacious arguments, such as those citing statistics showing that increased population size correlates positively with lower percentages of poverty. The reason these statistics are not entirely reliable is because even though the percentage of the population below the poverty line has decreased, the number of people in poverty has likely increased, and that is usually not even mentioned in the argument.

3- AIDS. Seriously, when they say there are no limits to stupidity, they are exactly right. When there are countries that have an AIDS rate higher than 15% (I'm talking to you South Africa) and that rate is constantly increasing, it can only mean one thing: people with AIDS are making babies. If that's not stupid then I don't know what is.

So in summary, stop having (too many) babies!

And while you're at it, you might as well quit smoking, because that makes you look stupid too.

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