Sunday, March 1, 2009


I have never tried any narcotics. So, I wouldn't be able to describe the experience for you. I don't know if the negative effects (if any) outweigh the positive effects (if any). I guess it all depends on the type of narcotic we are talking about.

A lot of people these days like drugs. Or maybe it has been like this all along? Anyway, they want (certain) drugs to be legal. The main example is marijuana. Why do these people want to legalize it? Well the reasons vary, but the most popular ones are "The war on drugs is not working", "Weed isn't bad for you, it's good for you" and "Drugs don't kill people, cops kill people".

And while any of these reasons might be arguable, one thing is for sure: the current state of drugs is not working out too well. I mean, look at what is happening in Mexico. The question is: will legalizing marijuana solve these problems? It will be grown in the U.S., or imported legally, sold legally, and probably taxed. So no more gang issues. Will crime be eliminated? Also, and more importantly, will more people start smoking weed? The reason this is an important question is because some people believe that if a growing chunk of society smokes weed, society will slowly deteriorate into a nonfunctional state, since these people might no longer contribute anything to it.

What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jimmy
    you pose a very interesting case.
    Weed may be good for you (or bad). but the problem with Marijuana is that it could serve as an entry drug. Once Marijuana is legalized, what then? You can' drive while smoking it? Demand for harder drugs will increase. It will become a business, governments can tax the income generated from the drug underworld. But is that really solving the problem? or running away from it?

    Let's just hope that our elected officials will do the right thing.
